作者:托马斯·利戈蒂(Thomas Ligotti)
译者:0suffering(注:译自英语原著The Conspiracy Against The Human Race: A Contrivance Of Horror)
Foreword / 前言
Ray Brassier
We know what verdict is reserved for those foolhardy enough to dissent from the common conviction according to which "being alive is all right," to borrow an insistent phrase from the volume at hand. Disputants of the normative buoyancy of our race can expect to be chastised for their ingratitude, upbraided for their cowardice, patronized for their shallowness. Where self-love provides the indubitable index of psychic health, its default can only ever be seen as a symptom of psychic debility. Philosophy, which once disdained opinion, becomes craven when the opinion in question is whether or not being alive is all right. Suitably ennobled by the epithet "tragic," the approbation of life is im munized against the charge of complacency and those who deni grate it condemned as ingrates.我们知道,那些胆敢反对普遍共识的人,会受到怎样的判决,这种共识认为“活着就好”,借用手头这本书中一个反复出现的短语。那些质疑我们种族规范性乐观情绪的人,会因为他们的忘恩负义而受到责骂,因为他们的怯懦而受到斥责,因为他们的肤浅而受到轻视。当自爱成为心理健康的无可置疑的指标时,它的缺失只能被视为心理衰弱的症状。哲学,曾经鄙视意见,当所讨论的意见是“活着是否就好”时,却变得卑躬屈膝。通过“悲剧性”这个形容词的恰当提升,对生命的赞同被免于自满的指责,而那些贬低生命的人则被谴责为忘恩负义者。
"Optimism"; "pessimism": Thomas Ligotti takes the measure of these discredited words, stripping them of the patina of familiarity that has robbed them of their pertinence, and restoring to them some of their original substance. The optimist fixes the exchange rate between joy and woe, thereby determining the value of life. The pessimist, who refuses the principle of exchange and the injunction to keep investing in the future no matter how worthless life's currency in the present, is stigmatized as an unreliable investor.“乐观主义”;“悲观主义”:托马斯·利戈蒂对这些名誉扫地的词汇进行衡量,剥去它们因熟悉而产生的陈旧外衣,这些外衣已经夺走了它们的现实意义,并恢复了它们一些原有的实质。乐观主义者确定了欢乐与痛苦之间的汇率,从而决定了生命的价值。悲观主义者拒绝交换的原则,以及无论当前生命的货币多么毫无价值,都必须继续投资于未来的训诫,因此被污名化为不可靠的投资者。
The Conspiracy against the Human Race sets out what isperhaps the most sustained challenge yet to the intellectual blackmail that would oblige us to be eternally grateful for a "gift" we never invited. Being alive is not all right: this simple not encapsulates the temerity of thinking better than any platitude about the tragic nobility of a life characterized by a surfeit of suffering, frustration, and self-deceit. There is no nature worth revering or rejoining; there is no self to be re-enthroned as captain of its own fate; there is no future worth working towards or hoping for. Life, in Ligotti's outsized stamp of disapproval, is MALIGNANTLY USELESS.《针对人类的阴谋》提出了迄今为止可能最具持续性的挑战,反对那种强迫我们永远感激我们从未邀请的“礼物”的智力讹诈。活着并不全是美好的:这句简单的否定,比任何关于以过多的痛苦、挫折和自欺欺人为主的生命之悲剧性高贵的陈词滥调,更能概括出思考的胆量。没有值得敬畏或重新融入的自然;没有可以重新登基成为自己命运船长的自我;没有值得为之努力或希望的未来。在利戈蒂那巨大的否定印章下,生命是“恶性无用的”。
No doubt, critics will try to indict Ligotti of bad faith byclaiming that the writing of this book is itself driven by the imperatives of the life that he seeks to excoriate. But the charge is trumped-up, since Ligotti explicitly avows the impossibility for the living to successfully evade life's grip. This admission leaves the cogency of his diagnosis intact, for as Ligotti knows full well, if living is lying, then even telling the truth about life's lie will be a sublimated lie.毫无疑问,批评者会试图指责利戈蒂的恶意,声称这本书的写作本身就是受他试图谴责的生活的必然性所驱动的。但这种指控是捏造的,因为利戈蒂明确承认了活着的人不可能成功逃脱生命的束缚。这种承认使他的诊断仍然具有说服力,因为利戈蒂非常清楚,如果活着就是说谎,那么即使是说出关于生命谎言的真相,也会是一种升华了的谎言。
Such sublimation is as close to truth-telling as Ligotti's exacting nihilism will allow. Unencumbered by the cringing deference towards social utility that straightjackets most professional philosophers, Ligotti's unsparing dissection of the sophisms spun by life's apologists proves him to be a moreacute pathologist of the human condition than any sanctimonious philanthrope.这种升华是利戈蒂严苛的虚无主义所允许的最接近于讲述真相的方式。没有受到大多数职业哲学家对社会效用卑躬屈膝的束缚,利戈蒂对生命辩护者所编织的诡辩进行了毫不留情的剖析,证明他比任何道貌岸然的博爱主义者都更能敏锐地洞察人类状况的病理。
Look at your body—
A painted puppet, a poor toy
Of jointed parts ready to collapse,
A diseased and suffering thing
With a head full of false imaginings.