Birth is suffering, sickness is suffering, old age is suffering, death is suffering; pain, grief, sorrow, lamentation, and despair are suffering.
—— 释迦牟尼,《四圣谛》,印度,公元前6世纪
To the one who possesses discernment, everything is suffering.
—— 帕坦伽利,《瑜伽经》,印度,公元前2世纪
一切存在都是苦难…… 一切快乐都只不过是下一茬儿苦难的引诱剂。
—— 王东岳,《佛教大观与佛教宗旨》(讲座)
Philosophy has discussed all questions that haunt the human mind, except one: the ethical validity of Procreation. No monograph was ever written in order to dissect its purported merits, or to demonstrate its criminal nature. Supreme taboo! Absolute scotomization. As if procreation were our ultimate idol, our terminal illusion, the armoured sanctuary where questioning seems to have no right to be exercised! And yet, behind this strange sacredness of fertility, dwell many perversions that any attentive observer should be able to discover…